
In this section, we'll discuss the common tools and their associated commands used during the model process. For simplicity, we'll focus on the command and its function without presenting the tool's icon. If you're interested in viewing the corresponding icons, please visit this page where all tools are listed alphabetically. Given the vast array of modeling tools Rhino offers, we encourage you to delve deeper using this resource.

Common Tools


CopyDuplicate objects.
ArrayCopy and space objects in columns, rows, and levels.
ArrayCrvCopy and space objects along a curve.

Note: Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V will create a copy in the same place.


MoveCrvMove a polycurve/polyline segment.
MoveEdgeMove a polysurface edge.
MoveFaceMove a polysurface face.


DivideCreate point objects along a curve.
SplitDivide objects using other objects as cutters.
TrimCut and delete selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object.

Extend & Offset

ExtendLengthen a curve.
ExtendSrfLengthen a surface by a value.
OffsetCopy a curve parallel to the original.
OffsetSrfCopy a surface parallel to the original.


FilletAdd an arc between two curves and trim or extend the curves to the arc.
BlendEdgeCreate a surface between polysurface edges maintaining continuity.
BlendSrfCreate a blend surface between two surfaces with continuity control.


AngleReport the angle between two picked or defined lines.
AreaReport an object’s area.
DistanceReport the distance between two picked locations.
VolumeReport the volume of closed surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.

Move & Rotate

MoveMove objects from one location to another.
RotateRotate objects around an axis perpendicular to the construction plane.
Rotate3DRotate objects around a 3-D axis.
MirrorCreate a mirror-image copy of objects.


ScaleChange the size of objects uniformly in the x-, y-, and z-directions.
Scale1DChange the size of objects in one direction.
Scale2DChange the size of objects uniformly in two directions.

Select & Organize

GroupOrganize objects into a single component.
UngroupRemove the group status from objects.
SelAllSelect all objects.
SelPt/SelCrv/SelSrfSelect all point/curve/surface objects.
SelLastSelect the last changed objects.
ChangeLayerChange an object's layer.

Show & Hide

HideConceal objects from view.
HideSwapConceal all visible objects and re-display all previously hidden objects.
ShowRedisplay all hidden objects.
OneLayerOnTurn a layer on and all other layers off.
OneLayerOffTurn off an object's layer.

Other Tools

ClippingPlaneCreate a plane that hides objects, which is useful for section drawings.
Make2DProject geometry to the construction plane.
ProjectProject curves/points toward a construction plane to intersect a surface.
RebuildReconstruct curves, surfaces, and extrusion objects to a specified degree and control point number.
OptionsManage global options: 3D mouse, alerter, aliases, appearance, context menu, display modes, files, general, idle processor, keyboard, libraries, licenses, modeling aids, mouse, plug-ins, render, RhinoScript, selection menu, toolbars, updates and statistics, view.


Alias Import

Rhino allows the use of aliases for easier tool access, avoiding the need to type out the full command. To view these aliases, use the command Options and navigate to the Aliases page. If you are used to aliases from other CAD programs, you can directly import the alias file into Rhino. Below is a step-by-step guide using AutoCAD aliases as a reference:

  1. Download the alias file.
  2. Select from Menu: Tools> Options > Aliases: Aliases Import Window
  3. Click Import and load the alias file.
  4. Confirm any warning indicating "current aliases will be overwritten".

Note: If you're using aliases from other CAD programs such as AutoCAD, be aware that certain functions in Rhino, like Scale1D and Scale2D, might not have corresponding aliases. To address this, you might find the alias file based on AutoCAD shortcuts beneficial.

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